Holy Innocents Catholic Primary School


Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School is a co-educational Primary School located in Croydon. Our mission as a Catholic school is to nurture our students in faith and as life long learners. We believe in the dignity of others, we celebrate each person’s diversity, we seek to prepare our students for their future lives: students who are active participants in their learning, who are resilient and are able to take risks, children who think critically and use metacognition to challenge themselves and reach their true potential. All this is only achieved through partnership with you their parents.

Our contemporary world challenges us to be positive, collaborative and reflective.As teachers and students we are constantly learning together in an effort to bring new ideas and new opportunities to Holy Innocents’.

86 – 98 Queen Street Croydon NSW 2132

P: 02 9744 2212

W: https://sites.google.com/a/syd.catholic.edu.au/hicroydon/


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